Thanks to Cliff Thomas, whose Father Cyril kept a lot of information from his days at Calne Bowls Club, we have been able to start the history of the club, in places it is sketchy, but if anyone out there has more information please contact the club by email – email hidden; JavaScript is required.
This is from the file and covers the period 1914 – 1934. It has been transcribed for easy reading;
March 1914-Tennis Courts converted to Bowling Green, 4 Rink.
Rent per annum £3-3s-0d, Town Clerk – Mr C O Gough presented club with set of woods.
Hon Sec. G.H.Wiltshire – Hon Treasurer H.A.Kelway
Committee – E.W.Brown, M.P.Clark, T.Fennen, A.T.Nicholls, H.Robertson.
May 1914- The Wiltshire Bowls Association was formed on the 6th May with 14 clubs, following an initial meeting at the New Inn, Trowbridge, Calne being one of the founder members.
June 1914 – Council improved Green-Rent raised to £10 per annum.
Members subscription 7/6d per season, 4/- after July 15th
Membership 40—- Colours Grey & Navy Blue.
1915 – Captain Mr J Babb Sub Captain Mr J.E.Wood
April 1917 – Owing to war conditions rent lowered to £6 per annum, members to undertake rolling of green.
Feb 1920 – Rent raised to £20 per annum, subscriptions 7/6d plus voluntary 5/-originally but raised to 12/6d owing to poor response. Addition was to create reserve.
March 1921 – First recorded Supper, or Dinner in the Pavilion. Own catering 2/- each. Ham, Beef, Salads, Biscuits and Cheese, with Tea or Coffee. Sec reported membership 45 was highest to date.
April 1925 – First Dinner at the Lansdowne Hotel.
April 1926 – Subcription increased to 15/-
1927 – Green relaid at Club’s expense (£64-12s-6d) Met by additional sub from members 15/- and balance from reserve fund.
1929 – Rules revised.
1934 – Green enlarged to present size, (then handwritten) Green badly damaged last year, now in first class condition due to Groundsman.

Singles Winner
B.Watson (Calne BC)
We now have the Bowls that he used to win this competition and they will be on display in the future.

Rink Championship
Winners L to R
H. Angell, J.Wiltshire, R.Angell, B.Watson (capt)

Winners L to R. R Boase, E Haddrell, D Haddrell and S Brammer

80th Anniversary Match vs
Wiltshire C.B.A.
More photos and information will follow.
Ladies Section
The Ladies section of the Calne Bowls Club was formed on the 1st December 1961.
The first meeting was held in the Committee room of the Calne Town Hall and was attended by 15 ladies. The Mayoress, Mrs D. A. Angell took the chair. A Committee of four members was formed. The following officers were proposed, seconded and unanimously elected. Secretary Mrs K M Swaffield, Captain Mrs P Pickford. The committee of four was Mrs I Wensley, Mrs G Jones-Hughes, Mrs N Cameron and Mrs L Dixon.
The first Committee meeting took place on 31st May 1962. It was reported that Mr J Bridges had kindly donated a trophy to be used for a ladies singles competition and would be known as the Bridges Cup.
The Calne Ladies Sections became affiliated to Bowls Wiltshire in 1963 and the following year were the winners of the Coronation triples. In 1996 the Calne Ladies were again winners of the Coronation triples and also took the runners up prize.
1969 saw the clubs first County honour with a win in the Wiltshire ladies pairs competition. The successful pair then went on to play at Wimbledon.
…………………………………………………… be continued