CALNE NEWS Published: 28 April 2021
It’s Bottoms Up’ At The Bowls Club
reprinted by kind permission of Calne News.
An application from Calne Bowls Club for a licence to sell alcohol has been granted despite some local concerns.
At a meeting of the Northern Area Licensing Sub Committee yesterday, 27th April, the application was considered for the Calne Bowls Club to be allowed to sell alcohol to be drunk on-site between 12pm and 10pm on weekdays and 10am to 10pm on weekends.
Concerns had been raised that the proximity of a second licensed establishment to the already licensed Calne Recreational Club could cause noise disturbance to neighbouring properties.
Mr Wicks representing the club told the committee: “Recently we applied and got our own lease so we are now separated from the Calne Recreation Ground.
“Over the last five years the Rec have made it very difficult for the Bowls Club, they have actively tried to close us down and made it awkward for us to use the Rec club, fees were put up to £47 per member, hence we applied to break away and have our own lease.”
Mr Wicks went on to say that the Recreational Club has applied for planning permission for an L-shaped extension around the bowls green which would make it impossible for them to use the Rec’s licence facilities.
In answer to the concerns raised of a ‘significant noise disturbance’ Mr Wicks commented : “It would be nice to have a drink after a match,
“There is very little noise comes from the bowls club. We are very responsible people, we are all local people and we just want to enjoy a game of bowls and a drink afterwards.”
Cllr Peter Hutton asked Mr Wicks to confirm that they weren’t intending to hold birthday parties or wedding parties or other outside functions not relating to the sport of bowls and would only use the licence for post-match drinks. Mr Wicks confirmed that would be the case.
Resident Fiona Cottrill speaking on behalf of several of her neighbours queried the time when people would be leaving the club, Mr Wicks pointed out that bowling can’t be done after dusk, and estimated that 10pm would be the latest time that people would be leaving the premises. He added: “We are not going to be a drinking establishment, we are a ‘have a game of bowls, have a drink and go home’.”
Chairman of the Northern Area Licensing Sub Committee, Cllr Stewart Palmen announced that the group had resolved to grant the application for a licence to Calne Bowls Club.
Gazette and Herald
By Matthew McLaughlin @matthew_wiltsLocal Democracy Reporter
Calne Bowls Club granted a licence to sell alcohol

Calne Bowls Club has been granted a licence to sell alcohol to members and guests after matches.
The licence will allow the club to sell alcohol to be drunk on-site between 12pm and 10pm during the week, and 10am to 10pm on weekends.
A representation raised concerns over the “prevention of public nuisance”. They said that a second drinking establishment in the area – Calne Recreational Club already has a club licence – would cause significant noise disturbance for nearby residents.

This, according to Mr Wicks, makes it impossible for the bowls club to use the Recreational Club’s licence.
“It would be nice to have a drink after a match,” he said.
“There is very little noise which comes from the bowls club. We are very responsible people, we are all local people and we just want to enjoy a game of bowls and a drink afterwards.”
There was some confusion over the sale of booze – highlighted by Cllr Alison Bucknell – to members and guests, as this had not been filled out on the application form.
It was confirmed by the bowls club that it did intend to sell alcohol to both members of the club and its guests.
Cllr Peter Hutton, asked for Mr Wicks to confirm that the bowls club would only use the licence for post-match drinks and not for other functions such as birthdays and weddings – which was confirmed by Mr Wicks.
Resident Fiona Cottrill said that it seemed excessive for the area to have two licensed premises and raised concerns over the later times.
It was announced by chairman of the Northern Area Licensing sub-committee, Cllr Stewart Palmen that the group had resolved to grant the bowls club its licence.