League games may have finished, but we still have some events to look forward to.
On Monday the West Wilts (Tuesday) team in winning Division 4 were in the finals at Spencer Melksham, they took the green at 2pm against the winners of Division 5 – Chippenham Town C – in the Quarter Final, it was a close game up until the 14th end when Calne took control and ran out 26-15 winners with one end to play.
On Tuesday Calne played North Wilts at Spencer Melksham in the Semi-final, unfortunately, they did not master the rink and lost 8-20, however it was a great achievement to get to the final 4, better luck in 2020.
On Tuesday 3rd Sept it was Club night as normal, however on the10th Sept it was the Pat Watson Twilight Bowl (inc.Fish and Chip supper) it started at 6pm and approx 40 members attended, 4 full rinks were played and the tables and chairs were set up on rink 5, the hope is that having set them up on rink 1 last year and despite certain people pointing out it would ruin the rink, Rink 1 turned out to be the best rink this year, so perhaps the magic will work on rink 5. It started out well, with the fish and chips arriving about 7-15pm, a little late but not done to Barry, thanks for organising them. play then resumed until about 8-45pm when it was pitch black, Jan managed to emulate Gladys effort and smash a jam jar, but Gladys would not be outdone and dropped one in the changing room and smashed it, well done to both of them.
All said it was a great night, the scores didn’t matter just the smiling faces, thanks to all who came and helped out and in particular to Pat who suggesed it last year, all being well it will become an annual event.
here are some photos of the evening, not the best unfortunately.

On Saturday, the final of the Paul Mackie Trophy, was played between Yvonne and David J, the final score after a close game was David J 16 Yvonne 10, well done to both of them, this was the final competition game of the season.

There are also 2 league Gala days
North Wilts Monday Mixed at North Wilts Bowls Club on the 9th Sept.
and the
Men’s Mid Wilts Triples on the 22nd Sept at Chippenham Town.