Monday 3rd June

Monday 3rd June

the Monday mixed game against Bradford on Avon was in doubt for a while as Pat has been struck down with Covid but Steve McColl stepped in to save the day, the game didnt go our way but i am assured that the day was enjoyed by all.

there was a two wood singles game being played this evening where Dave Johns was the victor against Derek Nicholson.

We had two ladies National Games this evening where Sheila Murphy with Sylvia Chappell and Delia Godwin took on Stratton Churchway in the triples the game went Strattons way sadly but the ladies put up a valiant effort.

the second game against Supermarine was Yvonne with Angela Candy and Mayumi Lewis this was a tight game with both teams on 15 with 1 end to play where once again the dice rolled in Supermarine’s favour winning by 1 Shot.