Category: <span>Bowling</span>

Cancelled Skittles evening Sunday 15th March 6-30pm

The skittles have been cancelled, however it has been moved to the club pavilion where the membership renewal will take place in, with refreshments!

Please note all membership fees are due by 1st April 2020, whilst competition entries must be made by 2nd May 2020

Open Days Sunday 19th April and Saturday 25th April 2020

We are holding open days on the above dates, so why not come along and see why the sport of bowls is so enjoyable.

Gates open at 10.00am until 3.00pm, refreshments will be available as well as helpers to show you how it all works.

For any further details please see below.

Green looking good, 26th Feb 2020

TWIT and TWOO have done a good job in keeping the pigeons off the seed, so its looking good.

Green after the first real cut of the season.

All change in the club house

A big thank you to Martin G and Steve for all the hard work revamping the kitchen with the ‘new’ units

We were fortunate enough to be given a ‘new’ second hand kitchen.  As you can see Martin and Steve are hard at it – the old kitchen is out and the new one is half in.  We will have a larger working surface, along with a much larger fridge/freezer and more cupboard space. This will make all catering in the clubhouse easier

Thanks lads, it is appreciated.




Gala Day 7th June 2020

Calne Bowls Club Gala Day – 7th June 2020 – sponsored by Imagine Cruising.

We have made some changes to improve the day and would ask anyone interested to use the links below to view full details and obtain an entry form.

Gala Day flyer & details (pdf)

Gala Day entry form (pdf)

We look forward to an enjoyable day of bowling.

Short Mat Bowls Club News

Whilst the outdoor bowlers have a rest, the indoor Short Matters celebrate the last session before Christmas – Monday 23rd Dec 2019.

The session included a shorter bowling session and wonderful food that had been brought by the members.  28 members attended and a lot of fun was had by all.

Father and Mrs Christmas were there, along with their little helper and a very attractive reindeer.  Other members had lights, festive jumpers and a variety of headgear.

Thanks to all who made it such a success, in particular Mr & Mrs Christmas.

Before the start
Changing the centre blocks worked until people got used to them and ended up hitting them!
Looks like Santa’s little helper has lost his bike!
What a handsome fella he is

Quiz night and raffle 8th December 2019

A great night, well attended and organised.  Many thanks go to Yvonne and Steve as well as Rita, Ann B and several others for supplying the food and help.

The winners were the Andy Collier team; congratulations to them and to all those that attended and helped make it a fun evening.

Below are some photo’s with suitable? captions.


I think this is Barry sorting out white cards – one for the Bowls Club members!
A lull in the proceedings
Yvonne pointing out her headgear plainly said Oh Oh Oh
No this is not Yvonne singing the twelve days of Christmas
Lots of concentration here
Steve absorbing the reaction to his Christmassy joke!
The winning team looking very pleased with themselves


The Owls have been named

At the A.G.M. on Saturday the 2 Owls that have done such a great job of keeping the pigeons away from our grass seed, were officially named, the winner of the bottle of wine was Ann Burke, well done Ann.

So I am proud to announce that

CALNE BOWLS CLUB is now the official home of

TWIT and TWOO – the scariest Owls in Wiltshire

There were 14 entries ranging from the PIGEONATERS


There was even a suggestion that they should be named every year after the winners of the Ladies and Men’s singles competition, this year BARRY and YVONNE, but it was obviously thought that this was a step to far!

Thanks to Martin S who had the idea and to all who took part, it led to a fun end to the AGM.

We are in the Gazette and Herald

Following a successful launch of the Thursday evening session on Halloween night, the following piece appeared in the Gazette and Herald on the 21st November.2019