After a very successful open day on Saturday 8th August, preparations are now complete for the next one this coming Sunday.
All you need is a pair of flat shoes/ trainers, we will supply all other equipment (suitably sanitised). Members, under the guidance of our club coach, will show you the basics of the game and get you started.
Due to the current restrictions, to ensure your place please book by using the link to email hidden; JavaScript is required on our ‘contact us’ page.
Alternatively you can call either :
Janet, our Ladies’ Secretary: 01249 816954, or
Stuart, our Men’s Secretary: 01225 706972.
We found last Saturday that we had a few spaces spare so were able to entertain some visitors who came without booking – it is possible to just turn up but you might have to wait a little while if the green is full.
Come and visit us to find out what a great game Lawn Bowls is – you could even get the chance (for a small donation) to try Gladys’s fabled tea!