Many thanks to those that turned up this morning to help close the green.
Martin S and Barry W mowed and scarified the green twice in readiness for the sowing etc on Monday, whilst David J helped with storing things away and edging the green.
Pat and Jan sorted the woods in the ladies’ clubhouse in readiness for the asset register.
In the background our faithful gardener Rod beavered away tidying up the borders Thanks go to Yvonne for clearing up the old plants earlier in the week and Jan and Martha for cleaning the pavilion/changing rooms also earlier in the week.
Martin G has built the extra shelf to give extra storage space (he’s great with Meccano as well!). He also started clearing the outside of the storage area, as well as helping to store items away and doing the trip to the recycling centre to get rid of the grass, etc – we nearly ran out of bags!
Josie popped in for an hour and helped Stuart to stack and put tables, chairs away.
All Stuart did was to bring the doughnuts – just can’t get the Secretaries nowadays!!
Anyway some photos to be going on with, more work will be done next Saturday in readiness for a new photo for the main website page.
Thanks to all those that helped, hope I haven’t missed anyone out.